The Awakening Page 14
“Drew! Antonio?”
“Please, Cait. Get in, and we’ll explain.”
Drew carefully sat her down in the back seat and sat beside her as Gene cautiously scanned the surroundings and ran around to the front, sitting in the seat next to Antonio.
“I’m so happy you’re okay, Miss Cait,” said Antonio, and Cait wasn’t sure, but she thought he was crying.
“Thank you, Antonio,” responded Cait, looking at Drew suspiciously.
“It’s okay. He’s on our side, Cait. When your father took him back to the office, he broke down and told him everything.”
“I’m so sorry for the deception. He threatened my family. My wife and children are the world to me, and I had to do something. I couldn’t betray you all, so I led him on as long as I could. It became clear to me that he will kill us all anyway, and my only chance to save my family is to help you get to the pyramid.”
“It’s okay, Antonio. I understand, and I don’t blame you. You did what you had to do.”
“We have his family in hiding for now, but I’m not sure how long any of us can hide. It’s time. We’re leaving right now,” said Drew.
“I thought we were waiting until noon tomorrow,” said Cait.
“We decided that the element of surprise would be better now, and we just have to get this over with. We didn’t tell you because of your connection with this thing.”
“I wouldn’t have revealed our plans!” she said sternly. “He only sees what I let him see.”
“What about that other thing?” asked Drew. “He tried to force himself on you once; we couldn’t take the chance he’d break your mind—turns out we were right.”
Cait became self-conscious as she was reminded of her torn blouse. She pulled Drew’s jacket tight to make sure she was covered. It hurt to know the others had made plans without her, but she knew in her heart that they were right.
“Can you tell us what happened?” Gene asked. “Did he say anything that might help us?”
“Damn it. She’s just been through hell! Literally! Can you give her a chance to breathe?” said Drew.
“Look, if she has intel that will help us survive, we need to know now.”
“He’s right. It’s okay,” said Cait as she held his hand tightly. Drew looked into her eyes and nodded in acknowledgment of her wishes.
“Go on, Cait,” said Gene.
“Well, I don’t know if any of what he said can help us, but he did let on more than I think he intended to. He and Adrian are creatures that came from the sun. He’s just an angry, rebellious child. They both are.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” asked Drew.
“Do you remember what it felt like as a teenager when your parents ruled everything in your life? All you wanted to do was be free to explore your every impulse.”
“It’s been a while, but I think I recall that,” said Drew.
“As I recall, I left home pretty early and did explore just about every impulse,” joked Gene.
“Exactly!” said Cait.
“I’m not following any of this. What does this have to do with anything?”
“Don’t you see? Adrian and Corrado rebelled against their father long ago and came here. He said something about not wanting to serve any longer. Now Adrian is having second thoughts about it. He’s growing up! Corrado is still angry and bitter and so afraid to go back. That much I’m sure of. He’s terrified and lashing out, desperate to keep Adrian here.”
“How can you know Adrian is having second thoughts?” asked Drew, looking unconvinced.
“I’ve felt it, although I wasn’t sure exactly what he was having second thoughts about. Corrado as much as confirmed it. But there’s more. He said we, humankind, were created by his Father. That we were from there as well.”
“Are you saying that their Father is God? Our God?”
“I don’t know, maybe not God as we’ve understood it, but yes. I can also tell you that when I was sure I was going to die and the light first hit me, I never felt a peace like that before. I heard a voice comfort me that was like the sweetest music you could imagine. Something was nurturing and comforting my soul. I know it. I felt it!”
Drew shook his head in his usual skeptical manner and said nothing for a few seconds.
“I don’t know what to think about any of this.”
“Drew, what was the source of the light that scared off Corrado?”
She watched as he reached into his jacket pocket and removed the silver box.
“What is that?” she asked curiously.
“I took this from Adrian’s study. I watched him use it on Corrado and figured it would be a powerful weapon for us. He said something about it feeling horrible for him, so I grabbed it. With all that went on afterward, I’d forgotten to tell you about it.”
“This must be from their home. It’s the light he fears. The reminder of what he left so long ago,” said Cait, fixated on the markings along the top.
“Apparently it doesn’t have the same effect on Adrian anymore as it does on Corrado. He said as much. I’m not sure what that means.”
“It means we have no weapon against Adrian,” said Gene, chiming in.
“That may be a problem,” said Cait. “Corrado said Adrian’s essence was deep within the earth’s core, making plans. Regardless of what he may or may not be feeling, it sounds as if he’s still planning for the awakening to happen. Corrado’s influence is going to keep pushing him to do it. Apparently Adrian is the only one that has the power to do it. He said something else, about having allies that will serve him that Adrian doesn’t know about.”
“Oh great. Our odds keep getting better,” said Drew, putting his head back against the seat in frustration. He looked over and could see Cait in deep thought.
“What is it?”
“We may yet have a weapon after all—and a powerful one. I need to think about it for a while, but I’ll keep it to myself for now until I’m sure.”
Gene looked unfazed as he held tightly the only weapon that in his mind was a sure thing and had been for most of his life.
“We’re a few minutes away from the meeting point with the others. Weapon or not, the time has come.”
Chapter 14
Cait grimaced suddenly in pain as a vision played through her mind. She watched the events of more than forty-five hundred years ago as if she’d been there. She watched as Setenisi took the vile from Corrado and then again as she mixed the last fatal dose for Khaheet. All at once, the treachery played out before her as she watched Khaheet take her last breath in Setenisi’s arms.
“Are you alright?” asked Drew.
“I’m fine, but I think I was just given more ammunition for the weapon I mentioned earlier. I was back in Egypt more than forty-five hundred years ago and saw everything. I’m not sure how that can be possible, but it was as if I was there. It wasn’t like a daydream or even the way I’ve felt when he connects with my mind. It was something greater than all of that.”
“I don’t pretend to understand these experiences,” said Drew. “But I hope to God you’re right about it because it sounds like we might have someone or something pretty powerful on our side.”
“I hope so too, but I’m clear about one thing. Whatever this force is will let Adrian make his own decision and will not intervene. It has to be his choice to spare humanity.”
“Oh great. Just when I let hope creep back in for a second,” said Drew, deflated.
“Corrado is the key. He has the power to influence Adrian and something else I’m not sure of yet. We have to defeat him before he can convince Adrian to move forward with the awakening.”
“That’s no small task,” said Drew. “I’ve seen his power firsthand, and I really don’t know how the hell we can do anything but scare him off with this.”
e power to destroy him won’t be in that box or in anything we can do to him. It has to be something greater than anything we have on hand. I just don’t know exactly what yet.”
“We’re here,” said Antonio as he pulled into an old gas station. Cait recognized it immediately as the one she’d passed every day on her way back from the catacombs. It was old and deserted and sat just outside of town.
Gene jumped out of the car before it had stopped fully and pulled open the large white garage door. He walked over to the fully stocked Raptors as the others ran out to meet him.
“Not bad!” he said, evaluating the vehicles and supplies. “No way is Donnie responsible for this. I couldn’t have done much better myself. I’m sure he managed to tuck some cheeseburgers in here somewhere though,” joked Gene.
Before Don could respond, Kirby ran to the car, desperately hoping Cait was okay. His eyes filled with tears at the sight of his daughter.
“I feared the worst when you weren’t at your apartment. I’m so happy you’re safe, my child,” said Kirby as he embraced her tightly.
“I’m fine,” she said, choked up with emotion. “It was stupid to go off alone. I’m sorry I worried you, but I had to make my peace. I had to see him one last time.”
Kirby held her even tighter, knowing the pain she’d experienced in her life. He also knew in his heart that this could be the last chance he’d have to hold his daughter, and he savored every second. She’d always felt safe in his arms, and she too felt this might be their last embrace.
“I love you, my beautiful angel. We’ll head off into the darkness together, and I’ll protect you with my last breath. I promise you.”
“I love you too, Father,” said Cait as she tenderly kissed Kirby on the cheek and filled him in on the events in the graveyard. Gene finished inspecting the Raptors and couldn’t conceal his satisfaction in his friend’s work.
“Seriously, you guys did a hell of a job packing these things up.”
“Why do you sound so surprised, jackass? You may have forgotten, with all of your commando bullshit, that I ran a pretty efficient operation back in PA.”
“Yeah, I guess I did,” said Gene with a laugh. His demeanor quickly shifted into soldier mode as he checked his watch. “We’ll give Cait a half hour to gather herself up, and then we have to go.
Everyone was silent as the harsh reality of what they were about to do set in. Gene could see the somber looks on their faces as he’d often seen before a dangerous mission.
“It’s only right that I give each of you one last chance to back out of this. Just raise your hand, and I won’t think any less of you.”
Don’s hand went immediately in the air with no remorse or hesitation.
“Put your hand down, Donnie. I already think less of you, so forget it. You’re going.”
He shook his head in resignation as he whispered to Drew, “It was worth a shot.”
“Okay. Then that’s it,” said Gene. “We stick to the plan, and hopefully we all come out of this alive and save the world.”
Don once again shook his head. “Why did I have to become friends with goddamned GI Joe?”
Gene nodded to Antonio, who drove off toward the catacombs, and the others gathered themselves as best they could. There was no turning back from the destiny that awaited each of them. They were all soldiers now, fighting to save their species from the devils in the darkness that lay in wait for them all.
Chapter 15
The two soldiers stood guard at the entrance to the catacombs as they had the last several weeks. They both dreaded the boredom that came with watching a cave entrance late into the evening and early morning, but this was their assigned duty.
“Gustavo, come here,” shouted the shorter man, who sat on a large rock just outside the entryway.”
He laid his rifle against the rock as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He could see the other man lying against a small rock wall with his hat over his eyes. With an aggravated look, he tossed a small pebble at him, hitting him in the leg.
“What is it, Zerbino? Let me sleep, will you?” barked Gustavo.
“Get up, you idiot, and give me your lighter. Besides, you shouldn’t be sleeping. What if the sergeant comes to check on us, huh?”
He tossed his lighter to Zerbino and grudgingly stood up.
“Check on us? That son of a bitch is sleeping right now like I should be.”
“Oh, get over it,” said Zerbino, lighting his cigarette. “This is supposed to be important. You should be happy to be a part of it,” he said, tossing the lighter back.
“Important?” argued Gustavo. “The ground shook for a few minutes, and all of a sudden we’re guarding nothing in the dark. Listen to yourself. Open your goddamned eyes, will you? You know there’s something more going on here.”
“What do you mean something more?” asked Zerbino, as if hoping to find out the answer.
“I mean don’t you think it’s strange that we’re forbidden to look in the chamber that collapsed? We cleared the opening, yet we aren’t allowed to look in there. That creep from the ministry has been the only one to go in there. What the hell is that all about, huh?”
“I don’t know, but if you’re suggesting we disobey orders, you can forget it!” said Zerbino.
“I’m not suggesting anything. I’m simply pointing out that I’m going to die of boredom if I don’t find something even remotely interesting here. I don’t think it would kill us to take a quick look.”
“Forget it, Gustavo! I’m not going in there. Besides, we’re supposed to be on watch.”
“Okay. Well, you stay here and keep watch. I’ll mosey on in there and check out the disturbance to make sure everything is okay.”
“What disturbance?” asked Zerbino, already realizing Gustavo was making up a reason to go into the catacombs.
“The one that you are going to say we heard if anyone comes around and sees me gone.”
Before Zerbino could protest, Gustavo had already grabbed his rifle and flashlight and headed through the catacomb’s entrance. It was just then he saw the headlights in the distance approaching.
“Gustavo!,” Zerbino shouted urgently. “Get the hell out here! Someone’s coming!”
He ran from the cave’s entrance and stood attentively by Zerbino.
“I told you, asshole.”
“Shut up. Who the hell is this anyway?”
“I can’t make out the car. It’s too dark.”
Both men watched with curiosity as the small blue car approached. No one ever came around at this time of night. As the driver pulled up, they both let out a sigh of relief.
“Hey, man. What are you doing here?” they shouted to Antonio as he rolled down his window. As part of the plan, he’d befriended most of the guards so that when the time came, he’d have an easier time getting close.
“I was having a few drinks and a bite, and I thought of your sorry asses over here. So I figured I’d bring you over some food,” Antonio replied.
He opened his trunk and pulled out a basket with bread and several containers containing sandwiches and salads. He also pulled out a large thermos and several cups.
“You know you aren’t supposed to be here off hours, Antonio,” said Zerbino politely.
“Don’t mind him, Antonio. He’s acting like a fool tonight. I’m happy to have someone not so tight in the ass to talk to. Let’s see what you have here.”
“Look, I’m grateful for the food. It’s just our orders…”
“Our orders don’t say anything about eating some food. Besides, Antonio has been the only other one in that chamber. Maybe he can tell us what’s going on.”
Antonio passed out the containers to the two men and poured them a drink from the silver thermos.
“Yes, I can tell you what I know, but you might not want to hear it. It might fr
eak you out, being here all night in the dark.”
He could see Gustavo’s face light up with the chance to find out the mystery that lay inside the cavern walls.
“Oh, that’s great. Please freak me out!” said Gustavo with a laugh. “Anything to bring some excitement to this boring assignment.”
“Be careful what you wish for. I’m not sure I want to know, Antonio,” said Zerbino, already looking frightened.
“Well, here’s what I know. Apparently these catacombs are full of a bunch of carved and painted depictions of this creature.”
“Yeah, we’ve seen some of that.”
“Yes, but what you haven’t seen is deeper inside. The pictures get worse and describe some scary stuff.” Antonio intentionally feigned fear and knew it would only help to pique their curiosity. He watched as the men consumed the sandwiches and drinks as he once again pretended to have trouble going on with the story.
“C’mon, what scary stuff?” asked Gustavo.
“Well, I probably shouldn’t tell you, but there are depictions of the end of the world and creatures coming up from deep in the earth’s core.” Antonio knew that telling them the truth wasn’t really a problem as they wouldn’t believe him anyway. He had one mission: to keep them eating and drinking. And his storytelling seemed to be just the thing.
“So that’s the big secret. Some crazy ancient assholes wrote some superstitious crap on the walls, and the ministry thinks it’s the end of the world?”
“Shut up, Gustavo. Let him finish!” shouted Zerbino, losing his patience and looking more scared than before.
Antonio could see both men starting to look tired and fighting to stay attentive as he continued.
“Well, there’s more. Deep inside the chamber that they’ve sealed off, there are skeletal remains.”