The Awakening Page 17
“The silver box, Cait. Do you have it? Did you steal it from me?”
She once again fought to maintain control of her thoughts as the intensity of his interrogation increased.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Please, Adrian…”
“You are lying, Cait. I can feel it. I can only see the thoughts you show me, but I can feel your feelings. I smell the deception in your being. This you can’t hide from me.”
She watched as he transformed into the beast once again as his anger began to rage out of control.
“I was going to spare humanity because I thought you were something you clearly are not. I thought I found something in you that I’d lost long ago, but I realize now that I’ve been a fool. You want to destroy me. I can feel it.”
“Listen to me. This isn’t you, Adrian. I can feel your emotions too. I can feel your pain. The loneliness of millions of years and the deception of your brother. He is the one who plans to destroy you. I know you’re angry, but you have to believe me. I am not your enemy. Humanity is not your enemy. Your demons are inside, and if you don’t face them now, I fear you will never get the chance again.”
“I will listen to no more of this,” he said, morphing back into human form. “The next time we meet will be the end of you and the human race. I will end this now as I should have after she died.”
“You gave her your word then because you loved her. You loved a human being, Adrian. How can you do it now knowing you’ll never feel that again? You’ll be doomed to the lonely existence that’s run its course. It’s time for a new direction now, but you can’t trust Corrado. He’s poisoning your mind for his own selfish purposes.”
“He is my brother, and I will not listen to this!” he said once again as Cait’s vision disappeared in a flash of fire. She fell to the ground, exhausted at the encounter. Kirby ran to her side and tried to help her up.
“What is it, my dear? Are you okay?”
“No, maybe none of us is. I felt his anger and confusion. He feels I’ve betrayed his trust. I know it’s Corrado’s influence, but it doesn’t matter anymore. He’s going to go through with it. I know that now.”
Kirby pulled her to her feet as Drew ran up beside her.
“What’s going on?”
“We’re running out of time, Drew. He’s going to go through with the awakening. I felt it.”
“What should we do? Are you saying this is all for nothing? Should we just get the hell out of here and wait for the inevitable?”
“No. We have to get to the tomb. There’s still a chance if we can get there. I still believe there is a part of him that wants more out of his existence than endless emptiness. I can’t explain how I know, but you have to trust me. We have to keep going,” she pleaded to the others.
Gene had already started assembling what looked like a small remote-controlled truck with two long arms on each side.
“What the hell is that, Gino?” asked Don.
“This, Donnie, is our little decoy in case we get more unwanted guests. I’m attaching these wheels on the arms so that it will look like our vehicles left the trail on the dusty ground. I’ll program it to stay about one thousand feet ahead of us. We are going to need to go pretty fast, and there won’t be time to stop if there is something in our path. It will also serve as recon on what’s up ahead. Hopefully we’ll have enough lead time to deal with…well, you know.”
Gene finished assembling the decoy vehicle and called the others over to where he stood.
“Okay, listen up. I want Cait’s team to go on ahead slowly. This device will show you what’s ahead. When you’re ready, hit the trackball, and it will execute its programming. It’s specifically programmed to stay about a thousand feet ahead of us. It will stop when we stop and move when we move and at our same speed once it gets out to its maximum range.” He handed Drew a small device that looked like a large smartphone. “The camera on the decoy is tied into this. Look sharp, and if you see anything at all that looks suspicious, come back immediately and the decoy will retreat with you. If not, keep rolling slowly until we catch up. Once we’re with you, we’ll haul ass. We have a long way to go.”
Drew walked in front of the small remote-controlled vehicle and waved his hand as he looked at the small screen on the device he held in his hand. He shook his head, amazed at the ingenuity of Gene’s device as he saw his image waving on the screen. Kirby stepped forward, looking concerned.
“May I ask what we will be doing while the second Raptor goes on ahead?”
He sensed Kirby’s concern that his daughter was being made to go on ahead while they stayed back.
“Not to worry, Kirby. We need to booby-trap this entrance before we move on. They’ll likely figure it out based on the mess back there, but it will buy us some time. We won’t be long, but why don’t you take Antonio’s place in the second Raptor and go ahead with Cait. I’ll need some heavy lifting done here, and I’ll need Antonio and Donnie for that anyway.” Kirby knew this was just Gene’s way of easing his mind, and he thanked him with a silent nod.
“Cait. Take your team and get going.”
Drew helped Kirby into the back seat of the Raptor, and he and Cait also got in and fastened their harnesses. He pulled the device from his pocket and as Gene instructed, he hit the small gray trackball. The decoy immediately rolled off into the darkness at a surprisingly fast speed. As he lost visual contact with it, he looked at the screen and could see the image of the cavern ahead as it rolled forward. After a few minutes, he could see the image freeze on the screen as the decoy came to a stop.
“Well, I guess it’s waiting for us,” said Drew. “We’d better get moving.”
She eased her foot down slowly as the Raptor crawled forward. Drew watched the small screen as the decoy matched the speed and rolled slowly ahead. Kirby looked back and waved to the other men as they rolled off into the black cavern. It was totally devoid of any light except those on the top of the roll bar of the Raptor. Drew could now see more remnants of the bones of the dead Egyptians on the view screen as the decoy rolled slowly ahead. The carnage was different in the giant cavern than it had been in the catacombs.
“Cait…Kirby, what do you make of this? These aren’t whole skeletal remains like we found back there. Just scattered bones,” said Drew as he showed them the images on the view screen.
“The people back there died slowly, probably from starvation and dehydration. These poor souls were either torn to shreds or incinerated,” said Cait, studying the images. “I’m not sure which would have been worse, to die a slow agonizing death or die quickly like they did.”
“Let us hope we’re luckier than they were,” said Kirby. “I don’t think we will have to make that choice.”
“I really hope you’re right, Father.”
Cait cringed each time the Raptor’s wheel rolled over the scattered human remains as she tried to find a path that wasn’t covered with bones. Drew watched the view screen and could see nothing but the same as far as the decoy’s eyes could see.
“I know how you feel,” said Drew. “But you might as well just drive straight. From what I can see, you aren’t going to be able to avoid them.”
“Yes, their souls have been at peace for some time. Not to worry.”
Cait nodded her head in silent acknowledgment as she knew they were both right.
Gene ran more plastic explosive around the crude entrance he had created with the last blast. He intentionally left wires where they could be seen, which puzzled Don.
“Look, I’m no soldier, but if it were me coming up on the mess out there, I’d be extra cautious and would have no problem seeing what you’re doing here.”
Gene kept his concentration and took several minutes to respond.
“That’s the point,” he said.
Don looked more confused an
d frustrated and threw down the spool of wire he was holding.
“Gino, what the hell…”
“Look, if we set this up and hide it perfectly, yes, we might take out a few more of Corrado’s goons. Inevitably more will be right behind them, and it won’t take them long to roll over the mess. This way they see what I’ve set up for them, and they’ll take their sweet time undoing it. It’ll buy us the time we need to recon up ahead, and besides, I have a strange feeling we’re going to need them before this is all over.”
“What? Why would we need a bunch of mercenaries who are being paid to show that demon our dead bodies?”
“Didn’t you hear what Cait said before? In her vision, or whatever it was that she saw, the creature fell for decoys. Others distracted it while the rest made their escape. Back in the mine, we were able to escape with a little trickery. Whatever these things are, they are not perfect and are susceptible to deception. I’m hoping when the time comes, we can give it something to go after while we get to the tomb. It’s a bit of a long shot—you don’t have to say it.”
“Let’s face it; this whole damn plan is a bit of a long shot. What’s another bad move added to the rest,” he complained.
Gene smiled, and then a worried look cracked his staunch demeanor.
“What is it, Gino?” asked Don, looking terrified. He knew his friend well enough to know that something major was wrong.
“Where is Antonio? We haven’t heard him in over ten minutes.”
“Antonio!” called Don. “Antonio, where the hell are you?”
“Donnie, take a flashlight and check over there. I’ll look back through the tunnel.”
Both men set off in different directions, only to arrive back a few minutes later with no sign of Antonio.
“Damn it! I knew it!” Don shouted. “That little bastard!”
“Relax, there’s nothing we can do about it now. Let me set this last charge, and we’ll catch up with the others.”
Don ran to the Raptor, anxiously waiting for Gene to finish up. A few minutes passed and, showing even more urgency than before, Gene jumped in the driver’s side and quickly brought the Raptor to a high rate of speed. Within ten minutes, he saw the quickly growing light of the other Raptor. As he pulled alongside, he could see the looks on all of their faces, all with the same question. It was Kirby who spoke first, as he already felt guilt for trusting the man he thought he knew.
“Where is Antonio?” he asked.
“I think we both know, Kirby. He must have snuck away when Donnie and I were setting the charges. We looked, but there was no sign of him.”
“Is it possible he just got separated in the dark? I mean, do we have to assume the worst here?” asked Cait.
“He left of his own free will. Now I am certain of it,” said Kirby as he looked at Drew, who nodded in silent understanding.
“His fate and that of his family is no longer in our hands.”
“Well, how bad does this hurt us; I mean, he doesn’t know everything. The original plan was for him to stay behind, how much do you think he picked up since we entered the catacombs?” asked Drew.
“I don’t know. We can be sure that he’s giving Corrado whatever intel he does have, and we have to get our asses moving. Okay, here’s the plan. The surface of this tunnel is smooth as glass. We have to proceed as fast as we can now. Drew, I’ll take the viewer now for the recon vehicle. I’ll have Donnie watch the screen, and we’re going to pick up the pace in a big way. Cait, stay on our ass and watch for hand signals in case we have to stop suddenly. Is everyone ready?”
Gene gunned the throttle on the Raptor as it took off and quickly picked up speed. Cait followed quickly, matching the speed of the other. She took a second to glance at the speedometer, which read well over one hundred ten miles per hour.
Chapter 18
Antonio pulled the flashlight from his pocket once he was sure he’d lost sight of the others. He tried to run, but the scattered bones made it difficult to keep up any real pace. Sweat poured down his face, hiding the tears of shame that now fell from his eyes. He’d completed the task he was given by Corrado, the task that he believed would save him and his family. The task that would also doom his friends once he gave the information to Corrado. His legs burned as he scaled the entranceway that led back into the main catacomb chamber. He knew it was just a few hundred yards until he’d smell the fresh night air.
“He’s coming,” shouted one of the men who guarded the entrance.
“Let him through,” shouted a voice from the other side. He slowed his pace about ten feet from the catacomb exit as he tried to catch his breath. His hands shook as he reached into his pocket to make sure it was still there. Corrado’s prize would save him; he was sure of it. As he approached the guards, they said nothing and simply stared at him as he walked toward the tent that was now set up outside the entrance. Another man with an AK-47 motioned for him to enter.
“He’s waiting for you inside,” said the man with an arrogant smile.
Antonio pushed open the flap and stepped through to see a man dressed in black sitting at a table. He knew right away that it was Corrado.
“Ah, Antonio. Glad you were able to get away,” said Corrado, not even turning to look at him. Antonio once again looked at his hands, which were trembling worse than before. He quickly put them in his pocket to keep Corrado from seeing.
“I hope for your sake you have something for me.”
“Yes…I do. I have it,” he said frantically.
Corrado spun his chair to face him.
“Excellent! Before I take a look, tell me exactly what they are planning to do.”
“I…I don’t know. I told you they suspect I’ve been feeding you information so they’ve kept me in the dark. I wasn’t even supposed to be in there with them, but you and your men showed up and gave them no choice but to take me along.”
“I see…you know nothing. It’s alright, Antonio,” said Corrado arrogantly as he stared suspiciously, knowing he knew more than he was letting on.
Antonio’s eyes rolled back in his head as he grimaced in pain. An image forced itself into his mind. It was his wife. He could see her naked and screaming as Corrado took her in his unearthly form. He laughed as her screams got louder and stared at Antonio with his demonic red eyes.
“No! No, you bastard! Leave her alone!” Antonio whimpered.
He tried to stand, but he was paralyzed and unable to move.
“That was but a taste of what she’ll get if you don’t stop lying to me. You can’t hide her from me, Antonio. You must know that.”
Antonio began sobbing uncontrollably.
“Please! Leave my family alone. I’ll do anything.”
“That’s much better. Now tell me what they are planning.”
“They are trying to get into Khaheet’s tomb. They think they can stop the awakening if they can get there.”
Corrado looked puzzled by this information.
“For what purpose?”
“I don’t know. I swear to you I don’t!”
He waved his hand as before, and Antonio winced in pain as blood soaked through his shirt.
“No please! I don’t know!” he cried louder.
An even more vivid image appeared in his mind. It was his wife again, but this time it was different. There were no screams of pain or agony, only moans of pleasure. Corrado was taking her as before, but she was enjoying it, enjoying his touch. In his vision, she looked up to face him, and began laughing.
“No! Please, God. No!” said Antonio, sobbing.
The vision ended abruptly with another sharp pain across his chest. Corrado changed into his beastly form, towered over Antonio, and screamed as he smashed the table into pieces.
“Tell me what I want to know, or I’ll burn the flesh from your bones right now,” he growled with a demon
ic voice that shook the ground.
“Damn you! I told you everything!”
Corrado seemed to gather himself as he changed back to human form. He looked at the shattered table and smiled.
“I believe you. The question is, what do they think they’ll find that can change things with my brother? Aside from her wretched bones and a few trinkets, there is nothing that can make a difference. They are fools, and I shall take great pleasure in destroying them. Now let’s see what you brought me.”
Instantly, Antonio’s paralysis disappeared, and he fell to his knees. He touched his blood-soaked shirt for a moment, trying to assess his wounds, and quickly pulled the silver box from his pocket.
“Here it is. Please take it,” pleaded Antonio as his bloody fingertips stained the pristine silver.
Corrado waved his hand, and the box flew across the room and settled on a chair.
“I’ve been unable to even touch this, you know. Its power is beyond me, but you knew that, didn’t you?”
Antonio lowered his head and didn’t answer. He was still trembling from fear and the pain of his wounds.
“Strange, it doesn’t seem to be affecting me now. Why do you think that is, Antonio?”
He once again just shook his head and looked at the floor.
“Come over here and open it.”
“Open it? Won’t that…”
“Open it!” screamed Corrado with a demonic growl.
Antonio struggled to get to his feet and walked slowly toward the box. For a few seconds he thought about using it to incapacitate Corrado and escape. He knew that would be futile, and even if he could, he’d never get past the guards. He reached down and picked it up and just stood there for a few seconds, staring at it. Part of him wanted to open it and torture Corrado as he’d tortured him.
“Open the box, Antonio,” said Corrado with a strange calm. He didn’t brace for the pain or even look afraid of the repercussions. Antonio slowly lifted the lid on the silver box, bracing for the power he knew it would unleash. Seconds passed as he closed his eyes and nothing happened. He looked across the room at Corrado, who had the same expression as before. As he stared down into the box, the horrifying reality hit him; this wasn’t the box Corrado had been seeking.