The Awakening Page 20
“Gene, please. He’s killing me! Do it. Use the box!” pleaded the voice of Antonio.
“You picked the wrong friends, Antonio. I hope it was worth it,” he shouted as he backed up to the Raptor. He pulled himself in and quickly sped back toward the others. As he drove, he tried to raise Don on the radio, only to get the shrill static caused by no signal on the other end.
“Damn it! Don, come in! Come in!” he said again and again until he realized that something or someone was blocking the signal.
Cait tried to rest and seemed to fall into a light sleep in her makeshift tent. She tried to make the connection to Adrian, but she could sense that he was far away. Too far for direct contact, but she could also feel the emotions of his presence, even at this distance. He was still furious at the thought of being betrayed. He was confused and longed for the clarity that Khaheet had brought to his being. A clarity he had thought he had found again in her.
“Adrian, come to me. Please, Adrian, come to me,” she repeated over and over. She’d hoped he would hear, but she suspected he was far below, planning as he had so many times in the past. She tried to focus her concentration harder than ever before. He was there. She could sense him although it was extremely distant. He was standing there looking away, shrouded in mist.
“Adrian…please come to me. We have to talk.”
He began to turn and face her. She felt she could get through to him if she could just speak with him one more time. Tell him what Khaheet had told her and make him understand. As he turned, she could see a face, but it wasn’t his—it was Corrado’s face.
“I’m here, Cait, and I’m closer than you think.”
She screamed, terrified in her dream, and she awakened to a strong, cold wind blowing through the camp. As she emerged from the opening in her tent, she saw Don also coming out from his tent and Drew and Kirby running toward her.
“What the hell was that!” shouted Don.
“I don’t know. Are you okay, Cait?”
“Yes, Father, but Corrado is coming or already here. Get the box, Father; you have to get the box.”
“I have it right here,” he said as he reached into the inside pocket of his jacket. The look of horror on his face told Cait all she needed to know.
“Where is it, Father?” she asked.
“I had it right here! I only put my jacket down for a moment!”
Kirby tried desperately to find it, searching all of his pockets. The old handkerchief was there, but the silver box had vanished.
“What the hell do we do now?” asked Drew.
“I don’t know,” said Cait as the wind began to subside until it was eerily quiet. They all looked at one another, and no one said a word. The silence was quickly broken with the sounds of Antonio’s cries.
“Help me! Please, Cait, help me! He’s killing me!”
“Oh my God. It’s Antonio. Where are you?” she shouted.
“I’m here, Cait. Use the box. Use it now!” screamed Antonio as they saw him emerge from the darkness, hovering a few feet off the ground. His clothes were covered in blood, and he looked to be near death.
“Help me, Cait. Please!” he screamed one last time. The voice didn’t appear to come from his mouth, as he was barely conscious and looked incapable of speaking.
“I can’t, Antonio. I can’t help you,” said Cait, desperate to ease his suffering. They saw the two red eyes emerge from the shadows behind Antonio as Corrado spoke in Antonio’s voice.
“Help me, Cait. Help me,” he said laughing.
“Don’t come any closer,” said Kirby, pretending to reach for the box in his pocket.
“Pretty convincing if I do say so myself,” said Corrado. “I saw the look in Cait’s eyes. She would have done anything to save him. Are you looking for this, old man?” laughed Corrado as he lifted the silver box in his hand.”
“Oh no. He has it! We’re done for,” whispered Don to the others.
“Doesn’t anyone have anything to say? Before you die, that is. Anyone want to beg, like our friend Antonio here has become so good at doing? No one?” he said as fire shot from his hands and the tents erupted in flames.
Cait stepped forward as Kirby tried desperately to stop her.
“I was told that you were beyond hope, Corrado. Even those that loved you know you’re too far gone now. Nothing you do to us will change that. But your brother can be saved, and you can’t stand that, can you?”
Her words seemed to wound him slightly as he released his hold of Antonio, who fell limply to the ground.
“My brother is a fool, and I don’t need him anymore. This world will be mine to do with as I see fit. You fools are the only thing standing in my way, and in a few short seconds, the way will be clear as only your putrid ashes will remain.”
He once again lifted his hands, and the stove and propane tank Don had set up exploded in a ball of fire.
“He isn’t a fool; he has a good heart that has been poisoned by you and years of hatred. No matter what happens, he will eventually realize that he needs to go back. You may kill us and all of humanity, but it won’t be over.”
“I have plans for him as well, my dear. Not to worry. He’ll be subservient to me as I have been to him all of this time. You see, one of Adrian’s army is now loyal to me. No matter what he does, I will destroy your world. When the others see this, they will follow me. They were created by Adrian to destroy; they don’t understand the restraint they are now being asked to show. I will give them what they want and need. They will devour as they have always done, but at my command,” he said, laughing.
“You won’t get away with it. He’s stronger than you. I can feel your fear.”
“I grow tired of your voice, woman. You will be first,” he said as he raised his hands in Cait’s direction. All at the same time Drew, Don, and Kirby stepped in front of her with no hesitation. He looked confused as he couldn’t comprehend self-sacrifice and love of another. These emotions had long ago been purged from his being—if they ever existed within him at all.
“No matter then. You’ll all die together. How perfectly convenient.”
As he raised his hands, fire erupted, but it did not reach his intended targets. Antonio grabbed Corrado’s arms at the last minute with his last bit of strength and the fire shot up to the ceiling of the tunnel. Rock and debris fell down on Cait and the others as they scattered for shelter.
“You fool!” he shouted at Antonio, who was lying before him exhausted and without the strength to stand. “It doesn’t matter; you have outlived your usefulness anyway. Now you will go first.” As he raised his hands toward Antonio, a pained look came over him. He couldn’t keep his arms raised as he fell to his knees. A light was approaching from behind Corrado as they heard the roar of the Raptor. They soon saw a brilliant white light filling every crevice of the tunnel.
“No!” screamed Corrado as his form changed to the beast and he writhed in pain on the ground. The same wind as before blew through the tunnel as his screams echoed off of the walls and he disappeared in a flash of fire.
The others struggled to see as Gene pulled up to them, the real silver box opened and strapped to the roll bar atop the Raptor. He quickly jumped out with rifle in hand and closed the box.
“Is everyone okay?”
Drew helped up Kirby and Cait and assessed his own situation, determining he also was uninjured.
“I think so. Where’s Don?”
They looked around desperately for him until Gene heard the faint moans of his friend. He ran over to a pile of dirt and rock and could see Don’s shirt underneath.
“Donnie! Talk to me, buddy. Are you okay?” he asked as he pulled the rubble off the top of the pile. He once again heard him moaning as he cleared most of the debris.
“Donnie, are you hurt?”
Cait took a bot
tle of water and soaked a rag and started to clean off his face.
“Don, can you hear me? It’s Cait. Can you hear me?”
He continued moaning and opened his eyes, looking up at Cait.
“What’s for dinner, Miss Cait,” he said in a groggy voice. With looks of relief, everyone started to laugh as they helped him up.
“Oh my God. Antonio!” exclaimed Cait as she ran over to where he lay unconscious on the stone floor.
An hour passed as Gene assessed the damage to their supplies from Corrado’s attack. He proceeded to have the others set up another tent, where Cait tended to Don’s and Antonio’s wounds. Once they had salvaged what they could, they gathered around the first Raptor.
“Gene, how did you get the box? I thought for sure Corrado had it when I couldn’t find it.”
“I knew I was going to have to go back and set some kind of warning system up for us. I’ve learned a long time ago to be prepared for any situation, although supernatural is definitely a new one. I also knew that if we were splitting up it would be the prime chance for whatever these forces are to try something, and I was right. He wanted that box, and he tried to get me to use it to save Antonio so he’d know for sure where it was. When I didn’t use it, he must have come here. I guess he took a chance that you didn’t have it based on my reaction and attacked you instead of me. The old divide and conquer strategy almost worked.”
“He must have figured that Cait was so desperate to help Antonio that she would have used it if she had it,” said Drew.
“Yes, that’s exactly it,” said Kirby. “He also gauged our reaction to the fact that he had the decoy. He could sense we didn’t have it at that point.”
“In any case, I think it best that you hang on to this again, Kirby.”
As Gene handed him the box, Kirby wrapped it again in the old handkerchief and tucked it in the inside pocket of his jacket. Cait emerged from the tent, helping Antonio walk toward the others, and Don followed close behind. The look of guilt on Antonio’s face said it all to the others, but he felt the need to speak anyway.
“I’m so sorry for everything. He said he would torture and kill my family if I didn’t get him the box. He put visions in my head of my precious wife. I pray to God they weren’t real. Oh, the things he did to her,” said Antonio, sobbing.
“It’s okay, Antonio. You saved us,” said Cait.
“Yes, my boy. We would be dead now if not for you and Gene here. My precious Cait would be dead. You have indeed redeemed yourself, Antonio, and now the only way to make sure he doesn’t harm you and your family is to finish what we started. That’s the only path now.”
Chapter 21
Gene used the small controller to manually steer the small vehicle back to the encampment.
“I thought this little guy was standing guard for us, Gene,” said Drew as it rolled to a stop in front of Gene.
“I figured I’d better check it out now before the final push. It was getting a little wobbly on us that last hundred miles. I think the axle might need adjustment. Check it out. Looks like the wheel bearings on the right side are leaking oil.”
“Can you fix it?” asked Drew.
“I don’t know,” said Gene, shaking his head. “I don’t exactly have a mechanics’ bay here filled with tools and spare parts. I’ll have to rig up something. Under the circumstances, we really do need this thing in working condition.”
“I agree,” said Drew. “I sure feel better knowing what’s waiting for us up ahead. Let me know if you need any help.”
“I think I can handle it. I did want to ask you something though. How do you feel about Antonio coming with us? I mean, he did sell us out twice,” said Gene.
“Look,” said Drew. “You weren’t here. If he hadn’t done what he did, we’d be dead right now, and you’d be alone with your metal buddy here. I don’t know any other way to look at it.”
“I suppose you’re right. I just have a bad feeling about things.
“Yeah, tell me about it.”
“While I work on this, why don’t you see to it that the others are packing up. We’ve got to get moving. I’d say we have to leave in no more than a half hour. I should have this done by then.”
“All right. I’m on it,” said Drew as he stood and walked over to where the others were packing up what was left of their gear.
“He doesn’t trust me, does he?” asked Antonio.
“Trust is earned, Antonio, and you earned it today in my book. Give Gene a little time. He’ll come around. Is everybody packed up? We have to get moving as soon as possible. Gene says a half hour at most.”
“We’ll be ready, Drew,” said Kirby, still going over his notes on the escape from the tomb.
“I don’t have anything to pack. That crazy demon blew up my kitchen,” shouted Don loudly so Gene could hear.
“Too bad he didn’t blow you up,” he yelled back.
“Drew, can I see you over here for a minute?” called Cait from the tent.
“What is it…” Before he could finish his sentence, Cait was kissing him.
“I love you, Drew Cross. This is it. We’re almost there. I didn’t want to lose our last opportunity to be alone. Listen to me. Whatever happens, please know that I love you, and it will be okay in the end, no matter what.”
“You sound sure, Cait. Are you?”
“I am. You and I and the rest of the guys will be okay. Adrian is the only one who really stands to lose here. If he succumbs to the will of Corrado, then he’s doomed. We can’t let that happen.”
“I thought we were saving mankind,” said Drew. “I didn’t know this was only about one man—or whatever he is.”
“If we save him, we save mankind. It’s the same goal. C’mon. Help me get this tent down.”
Twenty minutes passed, and Gene started rounding everyone up.
“We have to get moving. Cait and Kirby, you’re with me. Don and Antonio, you’re with Drew.”
“As if we had anyone else to choose from, you knucklehead,” said Don, rolling his eyes.
“Shut up or I’ll leave you behind, and you can see just what the other choices might be,” Gene replied.
As before, he sent the recon vehicle on ahead as he watched the view screen.
“Well that looks a little better, anyway; it seems to be a bit more stable. Here, Donnie. Keep an eye on it this time, will you?” said Gene sarcastically as he handed over the small viewer.
“Kirby, Cait, and I will go on ahead this time, I want you to hang back, just in case some unwanted visitors showed up. We’re getting close now, we have to be cautious.” It had only been five minutes when Don noticed the image on the view screen was still and radioed Gene in the other Raptor.
“I think we have trouble, Gino—this thing doesn’t appear to be moving. I just saw you drive right by it.”
“Damn it! I know. We almost rear-ended it. Tell Drew to hold up at your current position.”
“We’re about fifty yards back; we’ll hold here,” said Don as he and Drew undid their harnesses and took advantage of another opportunity to stretch their legs.
“What the hell is that?” asked Drew, noticing the small vibration that began to rock the Raptor slightly.
“I’m not sure. Another earthquake maybe?” asked Don.
As the words left his mouth, he knew any earthquake under the current circumstances could be no coincidence. Even in the darkness, Drew could see him turn pale white.
“Oh no. This can’t be good,” yelled Don, grabbing the roll bar of the Raptor to keep from falling over as the intensity of the shaking began to increase dramatically.
Gene looked down as the ground before him began to crack as it shook even more violently. Without hesitation, he got on the radio and called to the others as the giant fissure opened behind him cutting them off from the others.
“Drew. Get your asses out of here. Head back as fast as you can—now!” he screamed into the radio.
He could see Drew holding the radio, but his response was slow to come.
“Damn it, Drew. Can you hear me? Get Antonio and Don and get the hell out of here. We’ll draw it off and use the box at the last possible minute to buy you some time. Go now!”
“I can’t leave Cait. I won’t!” shouted Drew desperately.
“Listen to me. You’ll be dead in thirty seconds if you don’t get the hell out of here. This is our only chance. You have to trust me. I’ll do everything I can to protect her. You can’t help us now. Get the others out!”
He could see them scrambling to get into the Raptor. He barely heard the sound of the engine over the shattering of the cavern floor as it rapidly disintegrated. Gene watched as the Raptor finally shot off into the darkness.
“What’s going on?” asked Cait desperately, already knowing the answer. “Where are the others?”
“They’ve gone back; it’s their only chance. We have to risk that the box will work on these things as it does on Corrado. We have to give the others some time to get away before we use it. That means we have to stay within sight and let it come after us. If I’m right, we can use the box and send it the other way at the right moment.”
“Let’s hope you’re right,” said Kirby as the rock began to melt before them and the fissure began to turn into a lake of molten lava.
“Hurry. Get in! We have to get some distance between us. These things have pretty good reach. Kirby, you stand by with the box, and don’t open it until I give you the word.”
Kirby nervously fumbled with the handkerchief until he held the silver box firmly between his two hands. “I’m ready, Gene.”
The Raptor sped to a safe distance as the fiery hell unfolded behind them. Gene grabbed several grenades and held his rifle securely by his side.